Electronic Waste Disposal Free Starting Nov. 1, 2015
Beginning November 1, 2015, the Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District will accept electronic waste for free at its Lander, Riverton, Sand Draw and Dubois facilities.
Electronic waste contains a variety of hazardous metals (metals listed by the Environmental Protection Agency under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act as hazardous), including large volumes of lead that is harmful to both human and environmental health. Proper disposal of these products is essential to maintain safe and healthy drinking water.
E-Waste includes:
- Televisions, computers and monitors, including CRT, LCD, and plasma displays
- Laptop computers
- Audio/Video (stereo equipment, VCR’s, DVD players, etc.)
- Cell Phones
- Circuit Boards (printed circuit board found inside a central processing unit.)
- Computer Printers/Peripherals (inkjet, laserjet, mice, cords, keyboards, external drives, modems, etc.)
- Copier/Fax Machines
- PDA’s/Pagers
- Print Cartridges
- Calculators, adding machines, power backups
- other such units or components that contain materials banned by the Department of Environmental Quality or Environmental Protection Agency.
Eliminating Hazardous Waste, Cleaning Our Community
The Household Hazardous Waste and Electronic Waste Free Cleanup Event hosted by the Solid Waste District on June 13, 2015 was a success. There were 323 people who attended—159 participants in Lander, 135 in Riverton, and 29 Dubois participants—freely disposing of:
- 99,000 lbs. of electronic waste
- 345 gal. of chemicals
- with a disposal cost of $46,000
Most of the electronic waste from the June event was disposed of with the Metech Company of Denver, Colo. The household hazardous waste materials collected were incinerated by the Clean Harbors Company.
Thank you to the following organizers:
- Fremont County Weed & Pest
- Popo Agie Conservation District
- Lower Wind River Conservation District
- Fremont County Extension Office
- Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality
- Dubois/Crowheart Conservation District
Hudson Transfer Station Closure
Hudson Transfer Station Closure
The Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District Board of Directors voted to close the Low-Hazard Low-Volume Transfer Station that serves the community of Hudson. The closure will go into effect November 1, 2015.
This closure follows two years of discussion around the potential closure. Prior to any decisions on the closure of the site, the Town of Hudson was offered an opportunity to form a volunteer committee to take over the operations of the site. This would have allowed the community to run the site and adjust the hours of operation to fit their community needs.
Following the offer, and even after communication that the site would eventually close without the formation of a volunteer committee, there was no community action taken to assist with operations.
The Board also adopted a policy that recognizes an “acceptable travel distance” to be used as a tool for future decisions on site locations. The “acceptable travel distance” was determined to be 20 miles, based on local research and input from national solid waste professionals.
Meeting Minutes: August 17, 2015
Meeting Minutes: July 20, 2015
Meeting Minutes: June 15, 2015
Meeting Minutes: May 18, 2015
Meeting Minutes: April 18, 2015
Hazardous Household and Electronic Waste Cleanup 6/13/15
FREE Cleanup Event on Saturday June 13, 2015
- Lander Landfill (52 Beebee Road) from 8:00 – 11:00 a.m.
- Dubois Landfill (100 Mountain View Drive) from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.
- Riverton Bale Station (329 N. Smith Road) from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.