Community Recycling Forums Scheduled
The Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District is reviewing its recycling program due to increased operation costs. Community members are invited to attend forums to share ideas and considerations for the recycling program in Fremont County.
Community Recycling Forums:
April 7 in Lander at the United Methodist Church, 262 N. 3rd St.
April 18 in Riverton at the Riverton City Hall Council Chambers, 816 N. Federal Blvd.
Forum participants may register for speaking slots starting at 6:30 pm. The forum meetings will be held 7-9 pm.
More information is available at:
Meeting Minutes: February 17, 2016
Meeting Minutes: January 18, 2016
Schedule Changes: Jeffrey City & Atlantic City Transfer Stations
Effective February 1, 2016
The Atlantic City Transfer Station will be open the first (1st) and third (3rd) Sunday of each month.
The Jeffrey City Transfer Station will be open the first (1st) and third (3rd) Tuesday of each month.
Please call the District at 307-332-7040 with any comments or questions.
Volunteers Needed for Fish Habitat on Jan. 30
The Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District (District) is recycling Christmas trees to create fish habitat at Ocean Lake. The District will accept Christmas trees, at no cost, until January 29th at the Lander Landfill, Riverton Bale Facility and Dubois Landfill. Please remove all ornaments, tinsel and lights from the tree beforehand.
Volunteers are needed to help move the Christmas trees out onto Ocean Lake, and wire the trees to each other and cement blocks. When the ice melts in the spring, the trees then drop to the lake floor to provide fish habitat.
We encourage all sportsmen and those interested in enhancing the quality of aquatic life to come out and help this Saturday, January 30th starting at 9:00 am at Long Point on Ocean Lake.
For more information on volunteering contact Rene Schell, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, at 307-332-2688 or email
Meeting Minutes: December 14, 2015
Christmas Trees for Fish Habitat
The Fremont County Solid Waste Disposal District (District) will accept Christmas trees, at no cost, immediately following Christmas Day until January 30th at the Lander Landfill, Riverton Bale Facility and Dubois Landfill for use as fish habitat in Ocean Lake. Please remove all ornaments, tinsel and lights from the tree beforehand.
To date there have been approximately 10,500 Christmas trees collected. The trees are tied together in groups of a dozen and weighted down with cinder blocks out on Ocean Lake. When the ice melts, the trees fall to the bottom of the lake and help increase the lake’s fishery.
The District, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department (WGFD), and Inberg-Miller Engineering make this habitat enhancement project possible. The public is invited to assist with transferring the trees from Long Point out onto the ice, and wire them together and to the concrete blocks.
We encourage all sportsmen and those interested in enhancing the quality of aquatic life to come out and help on Saturday, January 30th!
For information on volunteering call Rene Schell, WGFD at 307-332-7723 or email at